Wednesday, 23 November 2011

An Expected Guest

"Someday someone's going to walk into your life and you'll understand why it never worked with all the others" 

Where's this person from?
For how long are they going to be around? 

And why have they come?

Why have they left the place that they were from??

And what will make them stay here if I want that person to stay?

Before this person gets here what am I to do? 

Build my empires and try to fit them in when they come?
or patiently twiddle my thumbs so I'm idle enough to notice them walk into my life? 

Will this entry be subtle or dramatic?

Will I notice? Because I have a lot of things going on. 

If I miss this entry will it be a disaster?

Am I doomed to suffer loneliness and despair? 

Or is it a recurring walk-in till I look up and that glow fills the room?

What about now?

Do I cry myself to sleep over what I don't have? 

Or pine for you till you come? 

Or snore in indifference and enjoy my liasons with my bed?

When will you come? 

How will I know?

What shall I wear? 

Who will you be? 

Will I like you?

Will you like me? 

But I'm far to busy to figure all this out now. 

But each time the door opens, I'll look up, just in case it's you.